David Guillot

Website Design by Jonathan DeWitt

This classically trained musician and composer requested an artistic reflection of his work, and after drawing up several thumbnails to give him a variety of choices, he decided to move forward with this 17th century pen and paper theme. For this project, I collaborated with my brother, who mentored me and taught me much of what I know about software development today. Together, we created this masterpiece using CSS3 animations and a single-page design with AJAX, before the big three (Vue, React, Angular) were popularized.

All the assets were created from my own photography, resourcefulness, and a little Photoshop magic.

Perhaps the most difficult part of this project was the candle animation. I used Adobe Premiere to clip the portion of the footage I wanted and make it loopable by reversing the flame movement halfway through. I then converted the video into Photoshop frames and exported the final animated gif. Animated gifs can be quite bulky as well, so I cut out only the center of the candle and positioned it overtop of the static image.

Although my brother was responsible for most of the code used in this particular website, it was a great learning experience and introduction into the advanced front-end world for me.

Unfortunately, the musician as since taken the website down to cut costs, but the code remains alive in my hard drive.

Tools Used:

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Custom Photography / Videography
  • HTML5 / CSS3 / ES6