Dynamic Sortable Table

A CodePen Project

I wrote this as a way to try and convince my colleagues to let go of outdated and confusing libraries in favor of more straightforward, cleaner approaches to managing data represented by tables. I'll admit, I didn't expect something like this to be so challenging, but that made it even more worth mentioning in my portfolio.

I wrote a custom element that extends <table> , which checks a few custom attributes for sorting purposes, but the data is inserted by JavaScript. Any time I make something reusable like this, I always keep the hypothetical future dev in mind. Because of that, I've contained all this complexity, so the only step a dev would need to take is simply:

table.cells = [
  {rowIdx: 0, columnIdx: 0, data: 'Hello'},
  {rowIdx: 0, columnIdx: 1, data: 'World'},

... plus some optional styling on the _selected  class applied to each <th>  and <td>  of the selected column.

As with most things, I'm not sure if I would still write the same code today, but it's just another cool piece of my track record!

Tools Used:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Custom Elements