
Website Development and UX Design

When I started volunteering for the Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society, (PittJCS,) I noticed Tekko - their main event - needed some TLC on the website. Previously, it was using a basic WordPress theme customized by a visual editor plugin. It was ridden with many unexplainable bugs, and parts of the templates or assets were occasionally lost or became noneditable. The content editors became frustrated and dreaded adding or modifying website content. Even after all that hard work was finished, they were left with a website that took over 30 seconds to load any given page.

Out of sheer passion for my trade, as well as the anime fan community, I took on the responsibility of relieving the maintainers of all these issues, as well as delivering a much more interesting user experience for the fans.

The first step was to replace WordPress with a headless CMS called Storyblok, (a service I also use for the website you're browsing right now,) and Vue with Nuxt for SSR. While doing all this, I recruited the help of professional coworkers and friends alike to manage a scrum/agile development workflow. I even set up CI/CD with BitBucket and Azure, and established a proper pull request review process.

I learned a lot from this project, and I'm looking forward to transforming two more websites for PittJCS.

Tools Used:

  • Vue.js / Nuxt.js
  • Vuex (state management)
  • eslint
  • GIT / BitBucket
  • Storyblok